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fridge raider

fat version of tomb raider who raids the fridge instead of tombs, caves and shit

last night fridge raider found precious treasures in the back of the fridge

by leberwurst December 1, 2010

15👍 9👎

Fridge Raider

The equivalent of a gold digger, but instead of your money, they are after your food.

Jenny came over last night for supper, that is the third time this week. I asked if we could go to her place, but she said she liked my place better, I think she is a Fridge Raider.

by Chad was here November 24, 2019

3👍 1👎

Fridge Raider

Someone who eats most of his meals directly from the fridge without heating or cooking it

My husband is a fridge raider it's just so annyoing

by Hotworder August 21, 2020