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frog's hair

Southernism for something very sparse or fine. Term given to the very fine blades of grass that ring the green in golf. Hence the phrase, "Fine as frog's hair."

I thought I was on the green but I was only in the frog's hair.

by Joel D. Parker September 25, 2006

21👍 9👎

fine as frog hairs

Beautiful; stunning; a girl that is considered extremely attractive.

Tony Romo's celebrity girlfriends are fine as frog hairs.

by Anonymous Poster November 27, 2007

15👍 2👎

finer than frog hair

Generally, used to describe several different things as follows:

1. A person's own excellent physical/mental state.

2. The outstanding physical appearance of another person.

3. A state of being extremely thin

(Since frogs do not have hair, something that is "finer than frog hair" means something that is as thin/fine/excellent as possible).

1. Bill: "How are you doing today?"

Joe: "Man, I'm finer than frog hair!!"

2. Bill: "Wow, have you seen that new girl in accounting?"

Joe: "Yes...what a hottie, she is finer than frog hair!!"

3. Bill: "This new fishing line is the thinnest I've ever seen"

Joe: "I agree, it is finer than frog hair"

by the big tiger January 17, 2011

131👍 33👎

finer than frog hair

When you feel so fine you just can't stand it. Frog hair doesn't exist, so, it must be pretty fine!

Rob:Susan how are you today?
Susan: Well Rob Id say Im finer than frog hair!

Rob: Whats what on a frog?

Susan: You ever seen hair on a frog?
Rob: Welp nope can't say I have...
Susan: Must be pretty FINE THEN!

All: Hahahahaaa.. ha.

by Wank Eubanks November 20, 2012

28👍 7👎

finer than a frog's hair and twice as cute

Meaning to be fantastic and then some as and added complementing yourself finer then a frog's hair

How are you today? Well I'm finer than a frog's hair and twice as cute .

by Perfect person 123 December 17, 2017