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Small country lane in Central Kentucky, where travelers find themselves going up to the most frightening house known to man, the resident of said house is believed to be the reason for the disappearances of any who dare travel up the hellish path leading to his residence

They say Old Man Withers lives up at the end of Frogtown, but nobody knows for sure.... anyone who tries to find out never comes back.

by RAKER69 July 1, 2010

142👍 28👎


Place in St. Paul, Minnesota in the shadow of the State Capitol. Made up of Southeast Asians (mainly Hmong), African-Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanics. Incomes there are low and the crime rate is high

We bussed it to Frogtown yesterday and got our shoes stolen.

by mnboarderchick December 1, 2004

55👍 58👎


A place where if you step on somebody's shoes, they'll fucking kill you.

If you do that in Frogtown they'll kill you!

by kingdick April 22, 2005

30👍 56👎