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fuck ugly

Simaliar to butt ugly but to the next degree

She's so fuck ugly, her parents have to tie a pork chop around her neck to make the dog play with her!

by P N Murphy July 24, 2006

119๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck ugly

someone that is so ugly that you would fuck them. in fact this person is so ugly one can take pride in having done the naughty deed with them under the conditions of the amount of effort it would have taken to find such a hideous person.

Oh man, that girl is so fuck ugly, I mean she has to be the grossest girl I have ever seen! I totally need her in bed.

by ballspersecond January 21, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

fucked ugly

Used to describe any person who entered a relationship beautiful and full of life, but who left said relationship worn and drained of their vitality due to rough intercourse.

1) Yo, Britney used to be the new hotness, but K-Fed fucked her ugly.
2) What's up with Lindsey Lohan? She looks like she was fucked ugly...
3) Remember Kat? Well, she used to be hot, but after she got with that dude, she was fucked way ugly.

by ccmas July 9, 2006

35๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fuck ugly

Someone who is really fucking ugly.

Did you see Menora at the reunion? She has turned fuck ugly over the years.

by Gorgonowski November 28, 2007

52๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fuck Ugly

When something is so ugly that when you see it, it actively makes you mutter "Fuck." due to the enormous amount of stress caused by knowing it's horrid existence and the fact that people will meet this thing. "Fuck" is also muttered for the creator as an obligation since the creator clearly should've realized he/she has fucked up while making it and stopped making it.

Oliver: Hey Jacob have you seen Sonic in the new movie?
Jacob: No. Why?
Oliver: I'm telling you Sonic is Fuck Ugly dude.

-later on-

*Oliver sees the new Sonic
Oliver: Fuck

by Echolitus May 2, 2019

Fuck Ugly

Something that is ugly to a disgusting or shocking leval, often resulting in someone saying "FUCK" out of suprise

"Hi nice to meat you, my na- HOLLY FUCK! You have a Fuck Ugly hand, what happend there lobster Boy"

by Simins2 December 19, 2008

24๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Butt-Fucking Ugly

A term used to describe an incredibly ugly person; someone you'd have to turn around to fuck. For people who aren't into anal, this is somewhat drastic.

Can also be shortened to "butt fugly".

Robin: Dude, look at the chick! She's so butt-fucking ugly!
Oliver: I dunno, man, I think I'd just paper bag her.
James: Hey, fuck off, dude! That's my sister!
Oliver: Family resemblance, eh?

by srs109 April 17, 2011

19๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž