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Fudge Bar

Anal sex followed by a quick blowjob; also known as ass-to-mouth

I gave her a steamy Fudge Bar last night

by cinnamonteal December 28, 2011

4👍 1👎

Fudge Bar

1. A punch, landing directly on the anus, whilst exclaiming "Fudge Bar!". A suprise attack in relation to punch buggy or a charlie horse.

2. To be screwed over.

3. A fudgecicle.

1. "Nathan just fell alseep someone fudge bar him, quick!" " FUDGEBAR!!"*punch*

2. "Well steve really got the fudge bar on that one"

3. "Somebody wanna grab me a fudge bar from the freezer?"

by RobberCrook June 3, 2009

4👍 6👎

Golden Fudge Bar

When a woman both urinates and defecates on a man's penis then proceeds to give him a blow job. Best if done in cold weather.

Guy #1: "Dude, I just gave that biatch a Golden Fudge Bar!"
Guy #2: "Very nice."

by cocktastic October 13, 2009

24👍 10👎

Chocolate Fudge Bar

The Act of shitting in someones mouth after knocking them out with a stick. Just hope you dont grind your teeth.

Damn Dylan id love to give your mom a chocolate fudge bar. I know but I wanna Give Joeys mom one to.

by D Boiiiiii 93 October 14, 2010

2👍 1👎