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fugue state

A waking coma in which the dream state overwhelms the conscious.

Can be kinetic, and no memory of actions, like sleep-walking.

After watching three seasons of STRANGER THINGS in consecutive episodes, Elle was in a fugue state.

by Lord Greystoke, John Clayton March 17, 2017

9👍 1👎

fugue state railroad

A TTRPG campaign where it takes a Railroad approach to setting the actions, but the DM makes no effort to form a coherent story. This makes the players feel like they’ve been blackout drunk for the duration of a session, or like they’ve been in a fugue.

“Man I wish I knew what that one politician guy said to us last session, if it weren’t such a fugue state railroad I’d know what the fuck is happening in this game.”

by gurpsfed September 15, 2022

9👍 2👎