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full kit wanker

A grown man or Woman wearing a full football kit in a public place other than a football pitch. Football Shirt, shorts and socks. This may also apply to other full sports kit wearers in similar situations. You will naturally think/say ' What a wanker'. Therefore 'What a full kit wanker' is applicable.

Man/Woman in any place other than actually playing the sport. Maybe in the High Street, Pub,public transport.......Anywhere in fact!!! Even on the Terraces at the match!!! Anybody commiting this crime is a 'Full kit wanker'.

by Sharkyyoung October 29, 2013

334👍 13👎

full kit wanker

A grown man wearing a full football kit in a public place other than a football pitch. Football Shirt, shorts and socks. This may also apply to other full sports kit wearers in similar situations. You will naturally think/say ' What a wanker'. Therefore 'What a full kit wanker' is applicable.

Man/Woman in any place other than actually playing the sport. Maybe in the High Street, Pub,public transport.......Anywhere in fact!!! Even on the Terraces at the match!!! Anybody commiting this crime is a 'Full kit wanker'.

by Sharkyyoung October 29, 2013

71👍 13👎

full-kit wanker

A guy wear the full kit of a football club in every day non-sports related situations, including socks.

Rick is wear the full Ajax kit. Rick is a full-kit wanker.

by tomsal June 15, 2024

1👍 1👎