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full mast

a fully erect, hard penis and also a mens health clinic that treats erectile dysfunction with shockwaves

As soon as she touched him, boing, it sprang to full mast.

by TomBanana January 31, 2019

5👍 1👎

full mast

A mammoth man who walks with an awkward limp. Also, 1/2 mast for a smaller version and tits mast edition for one with man titties.

Damn, did you see full mast. He just walked by that little midget asian kid. He has to be atleast triple his size.

by john john December 1, 2004

10👍 44👎

Full Mast

A complete and full erection of the male penis

As opposed to a "Half Mast" or "Semi" when the male is slightly aroused or drunk, and unable to achieve "Full Mast"

"Yasmine baulked as Franks Full mast loomed into view"

"Now at full mast , Greg was emabarsed and could not stand up to get off at his desired bus sop"

by Ben L 64 November 7, 2006

112👍 17👎

Full Mast

When your dick is fully erect.

Man fuck... I saw Erika’s thicc ass, and I went full mast, shit, could’ve skeet my meat right there and then.

by kenjatime May 28, 2020

5👍 4👎

flag at full mast

an erection, a boner, a woody

As he went to hug me good-bye, I could feel the flag at full mast, and I thought, 'maybe I should stay.'

by elvette July 20, 2006

29👍 6👎

running full mast

any man running with an uncomfortably noticeable erection, possibly while naked.

Janus ran full mast yesterday morning during his morning job through the nudist colony. He was running full mast, to the shock and envy of all.

by AnonEmous September 6, 2013