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gang dancing

When a whole gang of people (usually in a movie) suddenly breaks out in the same dance moves. Sometimes it's not really dancing, it's more like dance-walking while snapping fingers.

The big fight scene in West Side Story; At the end of Dirty Dancing; The prom scene in She's All That

by platypusgirl October 10, 2004

8👍 4👎

bang gang dance

A dance style universal amongst the followers of the popular Sydney DJ group Bang Gang (DJs Ajax, Jaimee Doom, Gus Da Hoodrat, Dangerous Dan and DJ Damage). This clubbing phenomenon apparently originates from the body's motions when under the influence of ketamine.

Is a loose combination of the thrusting of the hips and the movement of the shoulders and arms while both feet remain intact with the floor (the upper body moving as if one were high-fiving a pint-sized invisible partner in a swaying fashion. Note: one hand at a time not both hands).

25 year old clubber: I swear if i see another kid doing that bang gang dance...

by woopwoop1234 September 4, 2006

154👍 53👎