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Gay community

A general term for the collective cultural, political, and social concerns of homosexual men. Encompasses lifestyles, music, fashion, idioms, slang, sexuality, advocacy, and activism. Most commonly represented by the symbol of the rainbow.

In contemporary usage, the gay community is allied with the broader LGBT community.

The Stonewall riot was a watershed moment for the Gay community.

by priesencolin March 2, 2014

16👍 1👎

Gay Community

Any forum of which the true intention of the webmaster is to meet up with gay and bisexual men in real life, but masked as something else. Can also mean 'Lame' or 'Stupid' community.
A good example is googlecommunity.com.

"The people at googlecommunity.com are gay."

by Intelliot sucks cock February 26, 2005

24👍 51👎

Gay Space Communism

Gay Space Communism is a utopian society without gender norms, labour, and inequality. It's a naively optimistic outlook on the future, and all its advocates are aware.

The term originates from the ideology "Fully Automated Luxury Communism" which evolved into "Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism" / "Fully Automated Luxury Queer Space Communism". These versions of the phrase are the key in understanding what Gay Space Communism entails.

Fully Automated - Every production is operated automatically. As a result, there is no need for people to do labour anymore.
Luxury - Since work is obsolete, every citizen lives in comfort.
Gay/Queer - Rejection of heteronormativity. Gender, sexuality, and all such social constructs are abolished.
Space - This form of society is only attainable in the distant future (in a "sci-fi-esque space civilization"; post-automation, post-work, and post-scarcity).
Communism - Products are provided to every citizen based on their need.

We must not settle for anything less than Gay Space Communism!

by MrKacsa October 19, 2023

5👍 1👎

Gay race communism

The words one YouTube commenter used to define woke

Woke = gay race communism.

by Goofygoofball44 July 15, 2023


what we should all aspire to


by Nebentypus June 3, 2017

106👍 16👎

Gay Sechs Community Flag

The Gay Sech Community Flag is a symbol of male identification and attraction to other male identified individuals in a homophobic way, manifested through homiesexual relationships formed through deep emotional connections established while playing League of Legends. Each color on the flag holds a distinct meaning: black represents asexuality and serves as the mascot of the community, embodied by Bobby the Black Default Skin from Fortnite which was founded in 2017. Gray signifies demisexuality and symbolizes the close bond between other League players, while white denotes sexuality. The incorporation of gold and deep blue into the traditional pride flag on the Gay Sech Community Flag represents the logo of the popular video game 'League of Legends,' developed by Riot Games. This unique design separates gay identity from heterosexual norms by encapsulating elements of both traditional pride symbolism and league culture within its boundaries. In conclusion, this flag serves as a powerful representation of identity and community for individuals who navigate complex intersections of sexuality, gender expression, and league culture. It stands as a testament to inclusivity and diversity within online communities, fostering connections that transcend social barriers and promote understanding among diverse groups of players.

Welcome to Gay Sechs Community Server so here is the Gay Sechs Community Flag for this league game.

by Akise Kojimaru June 27, 2024