Source Code

Get air

1. When you are speeding down the road and you come off a hill with a grade so steep that it feels like the bottom drops out of your stomach and your car seems to hover for a few seconds before touching back down on the road.

2. When you are speeding down the road and there is a sudden dip that seems to leave you suspended in mid-air for a few seconds, causing that fluttering sensation in your stomach.

3. Jumping so high while playing basketball that you seem to hang suspended, like Michael "Air" Jordan, before coming back down to earth.

Def 1 & 2: Man, I was driving down Gin Road last night, and just as I came up over Scratch Hill, I pulled some Dukes of Hazzard shit. We must have been airborne for a good five or six seconds. That's the best place in the county to get air.

Def 3: I don't know if it's his new kicks, or that basketball camp he went to this summer, but Dwayne gets some serious air on his jump shot now.

by Keturah November 21, 2009

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Get some air

The act of snogging to acquire oxygen to breath.

Im gonna get some air from her.

by Just a moron October 12, 2020

person who doesn't get air quotes

someone who thinks that air quotes are used for real things and doesnt get the saracsm

dude, she though i was going to attack her!
she's just a person who doesn't get air quotes. she doesnt understand the quotes around "poke"

by jkwelling March 9, 2010

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Get yer 'air cut!

A "Insult" shouted by chavs at people with long hair.

Chav: Oi u, get yer 'air cut! m8!
Me: Fuck off.

by Flealan July 19, 2006

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MTV get off the air

1) Probably the song with the best lyrics ever written. Written by Jello Biafra (Eric Reed Boucher) and performed by his band, the Dead Kennedys.

2) A common exclamation of disgust.

Graph-paper brained accountants
Instead of music fans
Call all the shots at giant record companies now

The lowest common denominator rules
Forget honesty
Forget creativity
The dumbest buy the mostest
That's the name of the game

But sales are slumping
And no one will say why
Could it be they put out one too many lousy records?!?

MTV get off the air!

by Daniel Vosburgh June 26, 2007

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mtv get off the air

A kick ass song that is by the dead kennedys. Also, a saying that has become quite popular.

MTV get off the air cuz you suck big penis.

by Im not a vegan March 4, 2005

152👍 22👎

getting cold air

Positioning legs overhead with asshole out suck cold air into thy butthole then letting it sit, lastly pushing the "cold air" out into a fart sounding noise. If this is mastered you will learn how to fart on command.

It is disgusting when andrew is getting cold air

by Totally1134 August 5, 2017