Source Code

get well soon

1. What you say when someone/something dies.

2.What you say when someone/something either fails misrerabally, gets destroyed, or has no chance whatsoever of recovering.

Dude one - "Did you hear the news? Boyd Coddington passed away today"

Dude two- "Man that sucks. Get well soon Boyd."

Get well soon low gas prices.

Get well soon Titanic.

Get well soon Michael Richard's career!

by tehgmaster August 12, 2008

66👍 20👎

get well soon

get well soon is the fifteenth track of sweetener. Its a song about the manchester bombing arena. The song's length is 5:22. Thats how long the bombing was for. at the end there is 40 seconds on silence as a tribute to the victims during the bombing.

friend: why is there 40 seconds at the end of get well soon?
me; its a tribute to the manchester bombing attack

by ƃuᴉɯoɔ sᴉ ʇɥƃᴉl ǝɥʇ October 3, 2018

7👍 1👎

get well soon

What you say to someone when they are very bad at something.

*CitizenFish headshot tehleet*
Insomniac: get well soon
CitizenFish: same

by Insomniac March 8, 2005

15👍 34👎

Get Well Soon

Marijuana.Coined by Seb Demian aka 835 of the International Friends and popularized in the graffiti feature film "Bomb the System."

Is Bill Gates home? I got to pick up some Get Well Soon.

by Apu January 7, 2005

17👍 34👎

Get Well Soon Card

500 hits of acid

I’ll take a “get well soon cardworth

by ProzacAttack June 18, 2021

2👍 3👎