Source Code

getting iced

This occurs in a friendly game where people hide Smirnoff Ice's around in various places and if another person finds the hidden Smirnoff Ice, they must take a knee and drink it immediately without taking one's lips off the bottle.

Ahhhhh shit Squiddy!!! Hey everyone, Squid is getting iced! Drink up pledge!!

by cslickster002 February 23, 2017

91👍 7👎

getting iced

The action of being the lesser option

I have been getting iced all night

by zjaco December 27, 2016

5👍 22👎

Getting Ice

A term created by Nexus and his girlfriend at MLG Raliegh 2010.

Means going to have sex.

DarkLegacy: "Dude, where you guys going?"
Nexus : "Getting ice!"
DarkLegacy: "Again?!"

by Nexus & Lizombie September 6, 2010

9👍 6👎

getting ice cream

an expression my friend made which means "masturbating"

Man1: Where's Josh?
Man2: Oh he's getting ice cream

by saucpogi March 29, 2019

4👍 12👎

Getting some ice cream

A sexual innuendo for having sex.

"What are doing Sasha, Wanna get some ice cream later on?"
"Let's get raped in an ice cream truck and maybe the driver will give us some ice cream!"
"I'm getting some ice cream from my lover tonight!"
"Do you want some ice cream babe?"

by Sasha♥ January 10, 2008

23👍 71👎