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A girl who you can hang out with like shes one of your bros. Not to be confused with "girl, bro"

"are you two going out?"
"nah shes my girlbro"

"I'm gonna go have a beer with my girlbro"

by mama tbo April 23, 2010

41πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


the girl the guys keep around to chill with and led on because they don't have much else going on in that moment, they like the girlbro more than a bro but not enough to date or take seriously.. and shes always a very gorgeous girl that gets let down way to much

soo is he trying to date you??

nah im basically his "girlbro"

by LILLLLLYCANS February 17, 2011

26πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A substitute for bro to use to not misgender women.

Girlbro is flabbergasted.

by [INSERT A PSEUDONYM HERE] August 13, 2023


Synonym for sister.

β€œHey, you want a lift to the show tonight?”
β€œI’m good, girlbro! See you there!”

by DowntownStupidBrowne March 7, 2022