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glass case

An imaginary store for the the 'images' of beautiful/desirable/exotic women. In the manner that a collector would mount specimens of, for example, butterflies, iguanas or cats, in a glass case.

Nator: She's one for the glass case!
Me: Mate! She's a shocker. She's both crispy and wispy.

by Sam T W April 12, 2008

11👍 2👎

Glass Case of Emotion

When you have a very hurtful or terrifying feeling that threatens your very moral fiber while you happen to be inside a phone booth. This phrase was introduced to the public in the Will Ferrel movie Anchor Man.

Im trapped in a glass case of emotion... Will Ferrel

by DMF May 25, 2005

233👍 87👎

Glass Case of Emotion

NASCAR's Podcast with Ryan Blaney, Kim Coon, and Chuck Bush. Named after the famous Anchorman line. People who listen are called glassholes/

Mark: Hey Johnny, did you listen to the latest episode of Glass Case of Emotion?

Johnny Oh Hai Mark, I didn't know you were a glasshole.

by thecautionlightnews September 17, 2017

9👍 2👎

Glass Case of Emotion

a term used to describe the telephone booth in which Ron Burgundy is encased in after the assumed death of his spanish-speaking dog, Baxter.

'glass case of emotion': classic Ron

by Milkwasabadchoice August 18, 2006

68👍 41👎