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good bean

Used to describe somebody who is very based, good, or just super epic in general.

I’m a good bean

by dumb jsjsj September 19, 2022

good beans

of good quality, something that is excellent in every way

check out this app on my phone, it lets me save snapchats!
yo man that app is some good beans

by ballsmcgee666 December 11, 2014

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good beans

bad beans

good beans or bad beans, you'll never know

by Kronos6614 May 25, 2016

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good bean juice taste like chocolate make me go fast

good bean juice that taste like chocolate, aka coffee.

Bob: Man I could really go for some good bean juice taste like chocolate make me go fast.
Bob #2: What the fuck is good bean juice taste like chocolate make me go fast?
Bob: Coffee

by skidsstars October 10, 2018

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Good bean water taste like chocolate make me go fast


Man I could really go for a cup of β€œgood bean water taste like chocolate make me go fast”


by TheOneSnD March 31, 2021

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Good morrow old bean

Just a greeting, like hello but more colourful

Good morrow old bean

by Kt VV February 2, 2010

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Good beans

A historical term of endearment or good fortune derived from a moment between Lord Uxbridge and Wellington in the battle of Waterloo. Traditionally exclaimed to bolster spirits before uncertain endeavoursβ€”like charging into battle or attending a family reunion.

"Good beans, Wellington!"
"If there is anything in this world about which I know positively nothing, it is agriculture."

by jonathane jesus April 18, 2024