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good on paper

A person that has seemingly excellent credentials (college degree, money, inflated job title) but is really a complete looser and out of touch with reality. Definitely the type with major skelatons in the closet. Frequently found among avid gamers.

This guy seemed so good on paper - cool job, nice car, huge house but it turns out that he's some kind of bdsm, cross dressing freak!

by hotboxin November 26, 2005

28👍 32👎

good on paper guy

The good on paper guy is the nice man with everything you should want, but who you always leave for an asshole who owns nothing and doesn't have a checking account

Sweetie, he was the perfect guy!

Yeah..... good on paper guy.... Drake is SO MUCH HOTTER even though he's such an abusive asshole!!!

by Ellen1983 February 3, 2008

104👍 24👎

good on paper guy

The good on paper guy is the nice man with everything you should want, but who you always leave for an asshole who owns nothing and doesn't have a checking account

Sweetie, he was the perfect guy!

Yeah..... good on paper guy.... Drake is SO MUCH HOTTER even though he's such an jerk!

by Ellen1983 February 3, 2008