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graphics whore

People who like graphics over gameplay and will spend way to much on there pc to play 8k because 1440p not good enough for them even if they have no money for games. They also will sacrifice framerate for slightly less aliasing. And become broke

graphics whore: i got the new nvidia (expensive card type here) for ยฃ579

Me: how much money have you got for steam sales then
graphics whore: none im bankrupt because of it

by Gamerdef September 4, 2015

graphics whore

One who, in video games, values graphics above all and ignores all other aspects of the game. Also known for rejecting unrealistic graphic types such as cel-shading.

Stupid people, basically.

I can't play my SNES because the graphics suck too much.

by mynamewastaken June 29, 2005

596๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž

graphics whore

An Xbox or Playstation fanboy, thinking graphics and horsepower equal everything.

Xbox fanboy: We shuld laff at teh Wii U cuz it haz no gaymz ore online ore moshun cuntrull!!1

Playstation fanboy: It dun hav grafices eivor!!1

Nintendo gamer: Fucking graphics whores.

by picklestein May 1, 2015

280๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

graphics whore

In terms of the marketing crap that is called "the console wars" or the "next generation wars" in video game consoles, it is someone that puts down, denies, refutes, and ignores a system solely if the console does not have the graphic and processing power as the other competition.

See: fanboy for other details.

Boy1: "Omg, the Nintendo Wii is so freaking awesome."
Boy2: "It is just the gamecube with a new remote. It is so gimicky. It can't even go beyond 480i!"
Boy1: "You're just a graphics whore."

by The Submitter formally known as Kirbz November 28, 2006

212๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

graphics whore

(1) A person who likes the Nintendo DS remake of Final Fantasy 3 more than the original NES game.

(2) A person who hates Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories simply because it doesn't have the same clunky-looking 3D graphics as the other two games in the series.

Old-School FF Fan: Have you played FF3?

Mr. Never-Played-a-FF-Before-7: Yeah! I renamed Luneth to "Bubba."

Old-School FF Fan: Five letter names? Luneth? What the heck
are you talking about that piece of junk remake for? I meant the REAL Final Fantasy 3, ya friggin' graphics whore!

Mr. Never-Played-a-FF-Before-7: Waaaah! You called me a whore! I'm gonna go cut myself and be emo like Cloud now!

by Alberto Alfredo von Poodmu September 20, 2007

55๐Ÿ‘ 133๐Ÿ‘Ž

Graphic Whore

A Graphic Whore is one of those idiots who do nothing but bitch about the graphics of video games. and will refuse to play a certain game unless the graphics are 100% photo realistic. What these dipshits don't realize is that gameplay and story is what makes a game good not graphics.

Matthew: Dude Legend of Zelda Twilight princess is an awesome game

Brandon: That game sucks the graphics aren't good

Matthew: have you ever played it ?

Brandon: No but I saw a video of a guy playing it and the graphics aren't good in it

Matthew: Dipshit Graphics don't make a game good you fucking Graphic Whore

by TheNintendoJunkie December 29, 2012

44๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Graphics whore

Basically someone who likes the video game for the graphics, not the gameplay. Usually refuses to play older games on any console besides Newer-generation consoles.

Johnny: Hey, George, do you wanna play some Grand Theft Auto: Vice city?

George: No way! Those graphics suck ass, Grand theft auto 4's are better!

Johnny: Yeah but, Vice city kicks 4's ass.


Johnny: ...Graphics whore...


by Cameron The Spameron December 22, 2009

150๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž