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Greasy Bacon

Wet pussy. Nothing is more simple. Comes from the idea that pussy lips look like bacon and when wet, they look greasy. Therefore, by turning a girl on, she has greasy bacon

Damn man I was touchin' my girl in all the right places." "I heard she gets her pussy nice and wet." "Yea, she gets that greasy bacon.

by The Baconator222 July 2, 2010

2👍 2👎

greasy bacon wiener

A freckled-faced friend of yours that's always so horny, but has no one to fuck. He cannot use his own computer at home for porn, so he asks if he can hangout with you just to take advantage of your own computer for his needs. Regardless if you're in the same room or not he'll begin to jack-off to porn, after turning the chair in the other direction so you can't see him, and get his bacon like grease jizz on everything afterwards.

Wow, I've heard he's a real greasy bacon wiener.

by xYaxisix June 11, 2011

canadian greasy bacon

where you put baby oil on a flacid penis and slap a person in the face

that faggot jonas canadian greasy bacon'd ben with his chode and elle licked it off

by Droo3756 December 9, 2008

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