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green hair

Hair that is green. Don't see it as much nowadays.

I met this girl down in Hollywood, she had green hair but damn, she looked good! I took her to my house cause she was fine, till she whooped out a dick that was bigger than mine! - Afroman, Colt 45

by billcrosby January 7, 2005

56👍 15👎

green haired monster

he is a green haired monster and is meann!!! often disguised as a total handsome male maybe with the name luka or smth like that....

omg look its the green haired monster

by greenhairedmonster4life4eva February 9, 2009

4👍 3👎

green haired fat chick

Green Haired Fatchick

That lefty green haired fat chick with the nose ring held up the starbucks lineup again .

by Infadel_macgee April 19, 2020

10👍 12👎