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grilling out

When a bitch has really nasty spaced out teeth like a cars grill.

Did you see that bitch grilling out? I could have kicked a field goal through them teeth.

by Benjermmmannn September 19, 2006

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grill out

A gathering of male friends (married or single) who love to cook any meat product over an open flame. They prefer to hang out together after work in the driveway and talk about their fantasy football prospects. They usually live in or around Kentucky and are not above squirrel hunting and cornholing. They also smoke Pall Malls and generally do not have kids.

Hey dude, we doin' the grill out tonight at your house? I got three squirrels in the freezer.

by mystic tan July 10, 2010

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grill out

to grill or tailgate in the AT&T stadium parking lot in San Francico; to eat dirty dogs

Excuse me, do you know of a good place where we could grill out?

I spilled the nacho cheese in the parking lot while we were grilling out.

by Kenney Chesny May 24, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

knock your grill out

a threaten to suggest Knocking someone's teeth out.

person 1: man, James is talking to your girl again

person 2: I'm gonna knock this twats grill out -knock your grill out

by THE ONE AND ONLY SP November 13, 2017

Blow Your Grill Out

To blast someone in the mouth with your fist. To knock out someoneโ€™s chickletโ€™s for being a loud-mouth prick or just being dense about a subject or topic.

โ€œHey SMOES, youโ€™re being kind of a dick in Mr Vartyโ€™s Class. You better watch out, or Chanel Guydon will blow your grill out at lunch!โ€ And then Kevin Falicki will mess up your fro!

by BizarreRideonTheFarSide August 31, 2022