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gum chewer

a hooker. A woman who has sex with most of the male population in any and every town.

Damn that girl is such a gum chewer.
You are not leaving this house dressed like a gum chewer young lady!

by Psychobillypimpstyle January 27, 2003

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gum chewer

A hot girl between the ages of 20 and 30 who chews gum with a stupid, vacant look on her face and is somewhat promiscuous.

A girl need not be chewing gum to be labeled a gum chewer, but must look so stupid that one could imagine her chewing it in the manner described above.

That hot little bitty over there is such a gum chewer.

by CLS-oh-four March 23, 2008

12👍 4👎

bubble gum chewer

Willfully ignorant person who blissfully passes time mechanically chewing gum with no light bulbs on upstairs in the noggin, and only wants to enjoy themselves and talk about vapid pop culture and never hurt their brain with boring or inconvenient substantive topics that make them uncomfortable.

Can you keep the topic to something light and fun? I don't want bubble gum chewers like Becky and Chad to get uncomfortable and call 911 on us, and shut happy hour down.

by savmont June 3, 2020

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bubble gum chewer

A young woman, usually 18-25 yrs old...who acts like she is still 15-16 yrs old.

"At least my new assistant is not a bubble gum chewer. "

by marie71 May 7, 2020