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Hairy Ball

Nobody actually knows what the hairy ball is. But if you tell your friends. β€œHey you got the hairy ball”. They will go bad shit wondering what it is l.

You: Hey Jasper you got the hairy ball

Jasper: what’s the hairy ball?

You: Jasper you have the hairy ball

by Hairy Ball February 16, 2019

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

my hairy balls

they are my balls, and they are hairy

i have really hairy balls, and they are mine, those hairy balls are mine, i love my hairey balls, oh god what a gift to have such hairy balls when so many paople don't have hairy balls

by wallis and futuna islands February 21, 2005

375πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž

Sucks hairy balls

When something majorly sucks.

God, I have three midterms and two papers due next week, and I haven't even started yet. This sucks hairy balls.

by doughboy5555555555 May 12, 2009

22πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Hairy ball sack

A ball sack with loads amount of hair on it.
Usually someone with dark curly brown hair has a hairy ball sack.
Young boys tend to question their newly formed hairy ball sacks'.

"I saw Danny's hairy ball sack yesterday."
"Those who cannot teach, grow hair."

by Weinuh Tunes October 22, 2005

128πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

voluptuous hairy balls

1. The most beautiful testicles that have many pubic hairs.

2. A weird fetish science has yet to explain

I'm using voluptuous hairy balls in a sentence

I thought you were gonna put voluptuous hairy balls in a sentence

voluptuous hairy balls are now the color blue

My wife is very into my voluptuous hairy balls

My girlfriend is very into my voluptuous hairy balls

My dad is obsessed with my voluptuous hairy balls

She has voluptuous hairy tits, I have voluptuous hairy balls, it's a match made in heaven

When i saw dad's voluptuous hairy balls................................... I wanted them for myself

by Moms Acid September 7, 2016

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

hairy balls in a bucket

you fill a bucket with your on man juice. then you put it in a sink and let 8 mice swim in it. then you put it in a blender with a little bit of lemon juice and feed it to your grandparents.

Bob: "dude it was so funny last night, i tottally made some hairy balls in a bucket and gave it to my grandpa"

Joe: "dude thats AWSOME"

Bob: "yeah i dig that shit"

by chandlerdanleahrobby January 13, 2010

17πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

fortnite hairy ball porn


jackson: hey fred can we go on your computer and watch fortnite hairy ball porn in hd quality?
fred: what the fuck

by judec June 25, 2023