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Halter Top

A female top, tied around the neck is considered a halter top.

"Look Bubby, Meena made a halter top out of a trash bag."

by Bubby May 8, 2005

67๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mexican Halter Top

(f.) The act of one tucking their breasts into their pants rather than wearing a shirt ( or bra) for concealment (i.e. "south of the border"). Gender opposite to the "Canadian Belt Buckle".

In Nederland: Duitse halter bovenkant (German Halter top)
In Deutschland: Italienische Halfter-Spitze (Italian halter top)

Buelah was a special woman! One with a little stretch in both her spandex and her flap jacks. She made her fortune as the designer and spokesmodel for the Mexican halter top. ยกEn tiendas hoy, arriba! La cumbre de cabestro mejicana.

by Mr. Jabbers January 20, 2012

Halter Top Day

A term coined by Bill Simmons of ESPN in reference to the day when the weather finally becomes warm enough in a notoriously cold part of the country (i.e. the Northeast) that convertible tops can go down and girls can wear miniskirts and halter tops outdoors. Usually occurs in April.

Halter Top Day is the light at the end of winter's long, dark tunnel.

by TheMick23 March 18, 2011

32๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Halter Top

A tall gay man that is a top; also likes choking or being choked.

The Halter Top that came over was a tall drink of water and my neck is still sore.

by J J B. March 10, 2022

Halter top

The act of one tucking their breasts into their pants rather than wearing a shirt ( or bra) for concealment.

Person 1: *so much as breathes*
Person 2: Jossed. What the fuck.
Person 1: *points gun at Person 2* halter top *shoot*
Person 2: *last words* really nogger *dies*
Person 1: actually itโ€™s-
Person 3 who happens to be black: ayo ya canโ€™t say dat shit dass racist Iโ€™m black wtf mans

by Delete this account now September 20, 2023