Source Code

Hard Stop

The FINATE ending time of meeting or get together. In a meeting, when the specific forementioned time comes, the meeting is OVER.

"Can we get together on Sunday night, at 7:30 PM, with a HARD STOP at 9:30?"

by Carol T. and Alan M. March 3, 2007

87👍 29👎

Hard Stop

Term used by police in the UK. A "Hard Stop" is where a suspect is given no pre-warning (no shouting of "Police, stop!" etc) and where the element of surprise gives officers the advantage.

Hard Stops are most commonly used on suspected drug dealers (to prevent them disposing / swallowing the evidence) and suspected armed individuals, to prevent them from opening fire.

"Echo Zulu 714, urgent assistance - possible drug deal in progress on West Street, anyone to backup?"

"Control calling any patrol... 714 requiring assistance on West Street."

"Echo Zulu 21, we're responding - is this a hard stop?"

"Echo Zulu 714, yes yes!"

by CriminalDamage87 October 3, 2012

19👍 5👎

Hard Stop

The FINATE ending time of meeting or get together. In a meeting, when the specific forementioned time comes, the meeting is OVER.

"Can we get together on Sunday night, at 7:30 PM, with a HARD STOP at 9:30?"

by Alan M. and Carol T. February 23, 2007

18👍 20👎

hard stop

The time when viagra wears off.

We have a HARD STOP of 9:30pm, then I will be flaccid.

by heasus March 23, 2012

16👍 13👎