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hardcore scene

A branch of punk music that started in the 80s with harder, faster music than say, the Ramones. Examples of hardcore bands: Black Flag, Minor Threat, Circle Jerks, Agnostic Front. It has recently been butchered by emo and now people are calling bands such as Hawthorne Heights hardcore. Don't believe them.

Check your local hardcore scene and see if there are any real hardcore bands left.

by Panic Attack! July 12, 2005

63👍 26👎

hardcore scene

you guys are all fukcin stupid. hardcore isn't about what clothes you wear. it's about not following trends. being yourself. not following the masses.

ignorant person:hey that kid has tight pants and long hair and a tight shirt on he's so hardcore.

ME: bitch your retarded he looks just like every other kid with his norma jean shirt on he got from hot topic. he doesn't belong in the hardcore scene.

by dyllan miller April 3, 2007

34👍 20👎

hardcore scene

wrong again! all the hXc kids in ohio knows it's only those emo pussies with their track jackets an hair over one eye dude! im hXc and sXc and ive been to some pretty sick local shows, from newark to columbus to hebron, heath, zanesville, even one in dayton. they have bands like kill whitney dead, a waking nightmare, above this fire, waking kills the dream, dead to fall etc. shows and at only one show did anyone that had the balls to get in a pit have hair over one eye and he admitted to being emo!! youve got the first half right, most hXc's have gauged ears and tight(usu. girl pants, if not dickies or tan cargo shorts.)pants, but most wear a tight as fuck hardcore band t-shirt and a zip-up hoodie. most ive met wear skate shoes like DC, or vans or chucks some wear older shoes tho.

hXc (friend of mine)"look at that emo fag over there with his greasy black hair over his eye and his fuckin slit wrists. emo kids are so dumb theyre like 'oh i hate the world im gonna kill myself!' and shit as if theyll ever do it. someone should tell them it's down the road, not across the street."
me"i fuckin hate emo kids. push him in the pit with us, maybe hell stay at home and listen to dashboard confessionals instead of bein a wallflower and takin up dance space."
hXc"good idea"...

yeah, i know, we are assholes but emo is gay

by Murphy February 15, 2005

25👍 78👎

hardcore scene

a fabricated "scene" in which people are commonly known to wear black and have spider web tattoos on their elbows.

related words: scenequeen, ChadKroeger, fuckwit

guy: "what the fuck is a hardcore scene??"
cool guy: "nothing man, nothing"

by Fagdonna May 23, 2004

12👍 60👎

hardcore scene

wrong hxc secne u must be thinkin metal heads hxc kids=gauages tight jeans shirst hair over 1 eye track jakets hardcore dancing etc

brad walters will braude

by die2hope October 10, 2004

11👍 57👎

hardcore scene kid

a very lame scene that has developed from the emo scene, in which the males usually wear nike shoes, trackie bottoms or super skinny jeans with a big belt buckle, a hoody or hooded jacket with the hood up and a New Era or DC cap. there hair is either long fringe over one eye, or ridiculous block fringe that looks very silly, yet they think it looks cool under their caps. they have an angry attitude rather than the depressed emo attitude. they listen to shit fake screamo such as Enter Shikari and Hadouken. they are basically stuck between being emos and chavs, hence developing the nickname Chemos from some. they use ridiculous lingo they have stolen off chavs. they often go around stabbing bins and buying £20 knuckledusters for no reason. they are think they are very superior and that their ridiculous hair makes them look good.

NOTE these people are not hardcore kids, who are actually quite cool and original. these are following a lame scene that has stolen the name hardcore off the cool original people.

Normal person: hey man, hows it going?

Hardcore scene kid (H.S.K) yo blud, bare as, is is bare reppin wolf town fo' lyf blud, i is gona be shankin some of them greebos, then tappin some phitt girls that aint wastegash. thats just waste, innit?

Normal person: excuse me? what?

H.S.K.: what ya saying? ill shank your ass with my hardcore crew, we shanked some bins already, be careful

by joel guest July 24, 2007

66👍 38👎

hardcore scene kid

very confused with sexuality, likes screamo alot, looks extremely gay but other scene chicks dig it apparently. has no interest in any good music. is obsessed with the letter x. always claims edge and then breaks it. pretends to like hardcore sometimes so they can dance like dumbasses. sometimes some of them will claim to like death metal but u should never believe them becuz the death metal bands they like are deathcore and r scene as well. scene kids also will tell you their not scene and that they are just being themselves but that makes them more scene.

hardcore scene kid= a very high level of gayness, blessthefall, underoath, deathcore,

by matias13 January 30, 2008

18👍 32👎