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harvest moon

A series of video games about farming (yes farming), raising animals, raising a family, and just...living. It focuses on small-time living, making friends with villagers while making a profit from your farmland. Although sounding boring to most people, this genre has been known to be terribly addictive.

Jack owns every single Harvest Moon game, from its beginning days on the SNES to the newest one on the Gamecube.

by WindWaker68 May 25, 2004

303πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

harvest moon

The act of pulling your pants down to expose your naked rear end, followed immediately by moving your bowels in the direction of unsuspecting victims.

Jesus Christ! That guy just shot a harvest moon out the window of that Jeep Cherokee!

by Magoo May 21, 2004

107πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž

harvest moon

The act of a female showing her bare buttox while on her period.

Your girlfriend harvest mooned me on the way to chuch yesterday.

by Peter Pig October 19, 2005

8πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

Harvest Moon

A lunar phenomenon that takes place during autumn, roughly at harvest time. The moon is much closer to the earth at that point, and takes on a brownish-yellow hue, presumably due to the dust in the earth's stratosphere.

Harvest Moon is also the US name of a series of farming simulations made in Japan. However, this does not apply to the games in their native country, where the series is called Bokujou Monogatari (or The Farm Story).

The harvest moon shines brightest as the crops begin to ripen.

by Sky Render March 16, 2004

120πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

Harvest Moon

This is when a person is actively and intentionally taking a dump while mooning someone

Everyone in that car must’ve thought it was pretty funny to stick a bare ass out of the car window and moon us, but the driver probably won’t think it’s as funny when he finds out it was a Harvest Moon so now he has to clean shit off of his car.

by Jackmeatball January 24, 2020

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Harvest Moon

A very unclean butthole with some residue around its opening

Her ass was firm and round but I was turned oof by her Harvest Moon

by Dr Love July 22, 2004

194πŸ‘ 166πŸ‘Ž

Harvest Moon

When you expose your bare ass, spread your cheeks and have a turtle head poking out.

Tim just have me a harvest moon. He better go shit before before he craps his pants.

by Dirty_Hairy84 September 24, 2022