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Has Aids

Usually a link(download) that has an attached Virus or other impossible MalWare associated to it.

"dude, I just D/Led an awesome SWF from 4-chan. Want it?"

"naw, my checker sed it has aids..."

by Zeph721 April 9, 2008

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rhys has aids

rhys contracted aids with his boyfriend in africa.

man 1: did you see that rhys has aids
man 2: yeah wtf lol

by Mandem_Nonce69 October 21, 2020

Peppa pig has aids

Peppa, a popular children’s cartoon character is diagnosed with the deadly disease known as aids . After failing to reach the targeted goal with her gofundme page, peppa fought her disease with substance abuse which led her to have a cocaine addiction which later would contribute to her severe ptsd in which she snorts uncontrollably.

Greg : yoo peppa was the shit back then

Lawrence: nahh man peppa pig has aids , her body was big but her limbs were skinny, that’s aids dude

Greg: my childhood will never be the same again , thank you for telling me

by Redneck Blackman April 7, 2021

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Your nan has aids

A phrase commonly used by someone that is out of things to say

Your nan has aids

by BigDJShag69 October 13, 2020

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Too bad she has AIDS

A classic "I Did Your Mom Last Night" block. Used to intimidate bullies, with a quick comeback.

Guy: Dude, I Did your mom Last Night.

Guy: Well, too bad she has aids.

by steven March 4, 2005

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