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have a bomb

to have an amazing, fun and exciting time with your friends.

'let's go have a bomb.'

'mate, are we bombing tonight?'

by milknosugarthanks December 21, 2011

17👍 2👎

i have a bomb

Something to say at school.
Saying that “I have a bomb” is a real confidence booster i would try it in crowded areas.

Girl: Omg run!
Kid 2: Nice, what kind of bomb, we talkin C4 or a Bomb-vest

by SchoolBomber11 October 28, 2020

67👍 1👎

have a bomb blast

This statement is said to individuals to ensure he/she enjoys themselves.

"Hey Mark have a bomb blast today!" or "I can't make it to the party mate, but have a bomb blast!"

by CDI February 2, 2018

I have a bomb

When TJ has a bomb, usually in the Bomb Truck in Town and Debug.

TJ: "I have a BOMB!"
Kenny: "I HAVE A BOMB!!!"

by Kenny McCormick! July 17, 2023