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Heiress is a girl with a lot of different sides, She doesn’t like to show her feelings because it makes her feel weak even though she acts like the careless one she is secretly always putting everyone else before her, she has a strong beauty to her that people (including her) don’t recognize and you will never meet another girl as special as her, she is one of the most fun and hilarious people to have around, but she has an extremely crazy temper that she can’t control she doesn’t take disrespect very well and if your with her in public I guarantee you that you will be save, she doesn’t like people to see her temper so she acts like it’s not there but never underestimate her she will always get what she wants no matter the cost, she’s gonna be beyond successful in life, if an heiress ever likes you, you better show her you feel the same, she doesn’t waste her time with boys cause she knows she’ll be fine without them, and she’ll sacrifice it all for her family and the people she’s loves, always keep Heiress around 💕

I love Heiress, she’s the best

by Alexa hope April 23, 2019

47👍 6👎


a beautiful wealthy , typically young adult girl who inherits some form of wealth from her family or another person close to her.

paris hilton is an heiress

by Boo February 19, 2005

254👍 79👎


A royal or special girl that tends to be pretty, rich, and spoiled.

Paris Hilton is a heiress.

by Janelle November 14, 2004

127👍 45👎


A rich broad, spoiled lazy because she never has to work a day in her life.

Paris Hilton is an heiress who lives off grandpa's money.

by Fleurdelissy October 9, 2010

25👍 24👎


wannabe princess

paris hilton wants to be a princess but she is just a common heiress

by Mack Sideshow January 6, 2009

14👍 55👎

Rowboat Heiress

A Rowboat Heiress is any girl who is next in line to acquire her fathers dredging and dock-building compant. Rowboat Heiresses always have expensive clothes, but always dress whorey to conceal their wealth. They don't want people to guess they are rich from their clothes, they want to announce it themselves. Rowboat Heiresses will often purchase expensive presents for boys that they barely know and are also known to snort the occasional line in the bathroom at school.

Wow, the Rowboat Heiress looks totally hot today in her pointy black boots, I wonder if she has any coke I could buy.

by shuanita December 8, 2004

Dirty heiress

Well dirty heiress is my cousin, eww why you think like this you ho... dont search for my bby like this again;)

Jk dirty heiress is always on top, also usually has red hairs....

Yoo bro, I met a dirty heiress, she stole my cat so I gave her herpes!

by Cute_toes666 May 23, 2020