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henry powell

The proper definition of Henry Powell.

Wears black or red, has dumbass dyed hair of some wierdo colour.

Wears shitey make up. They claim to be depressed when their life is fine and they have nothing to be depressed about.

Henry obviously doesn't have any fashion sense or doesn't look in mirrors.

Claims he doesn't know his dad but then says he knows where he lives.

Henry Powell: ugh my life sucks my parents keep giving me money.

Passerby: look at that sad Henry fucker, needs to Stop threatening suicide all the time to get his way.

by whattheclubpenguin August 12, 2017

4👍 1👎

Henry Powell

A person who smokes weed all day and has no Dad

"Wow, is that Henry Powell?"
"Dunno, does he have a Dad?"

by Gabrield December 12, 2016

Henry Powell

A guy who smokes weed to fill the whole in his heart after never seeing his dad and wears emo clothes to pretend to his mum that he is suicidal for money.

Hey is that Henry Powell? dunno, is he threatening suicide again?

by henry has no dad May 25, 2017