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high school football team

A bunch of overrated man-hoes who joined because they are narcissistic fuck bois looking for attention.
They may try to be intimidating but they are all talk.

Bro 1:Dude have you seen the guys on the high school football team?
Bro 2:Yeah dude look at those guys they shouldn't be doing football!
Bro 1:They should go back to doing zumba with their moms!

by Chicken Wagon January 24, 2017

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Manatee High School Football Team

Dogshit football team, home of the Manatee High school hurricanes.

Kev: Hey Jack, did you watch the Manatee High School Football Team game on Friday?

Jack: Yeah, they’re Dogshit. I’m pretty sure JV did better on Thursday.

by ManteeHigh September 22, 2021

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