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hit the yeet

Used in place of "dip out" & leave / Needing to go somewhere quickly
Something falling abruptly and or being thrown

I gotta hit the yeet, see you later.

The cooler hit the yeet into the road from the backseat after hitting a pothole

by Indicali May 9, 2019

Finna hit that yeet

“Finna hit that yeet” is an expression often used while gaming, though has many other applications.

Pereson 1: I see an enemy here. I’m finna hit that yeet

Person 2: There’s no way you can make that shot

Person 1: *hits that yeet*

Person 2: Damn. You hit that yeet.

by Yeetzy December 14, 2017

26👍 7👎

hit that yeet

When you do a yeet so 🅱️ucking hard that you just can’t control it.

Memester 1: 🅱️🅾️ℹ️ I’ma hit that yeet now.

(classroom explodes)

Memester 2:Holy shit ni🅱️🅱️a!!!

by MrBitchiloid November 16, 2018