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Honorable Discharge

When an opportunity to cheat on your girlfriend presents itself, but you decide to just jerk off instead.

"Maddie was out of town, and this chick at the mall was giving me fuck me eyes. I didn't take her home though, I just went to the bathroom for a quick honorable discharge."

by The Nigerican January 10, 2015

6👍 1👎

honorable discharge

When the drill seargent ejaculates in the ass of a private in the Marine Bootcamp.

Did you see the way the Seargent was riding private Hage? Looked like an honorable discharge.

by Vanilla Typhoon June 27, 2006

22👍 48👎

Honorable Discharge

Ejaculating with the sole intention of getting a girl pregnant.

Stacy is ready to have kids. Fingers crossed that my honorable discharge last night makes it happen.

by Chuck Wang 1994 December 22, 2020