Source Code


A sweet, smart, considerate, handsome person. Someone who makes people laugh. Smile is adorable. When he smiles it makes you smile. Makes people feel comfortable. A very enjoyable person. Has beautiful long eye lashes and gorgeous brown skin. Intriguing brown eyes. Very clean. He loves shoes. Favorite color is red. He doesn't like t.v. Thinks about others and speaks intelligently and sweetly. The best you'll ever have. Someone who is very smart and good at math. Lovable, and hard to forget or let go.

Person 1: I love being around Hosea, he's so sweet.

Person 2: And he's really funny.!!

by D!@/@ April 10, 2010

118πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Hosea is a fecking badass , however , he is one of the most intelligent people ever to exist , but cross him and he will literally gun you down where you stand , one day he will have a heroic death. Saving others from death .

Random idiot " Feck you Hosea "
Hosea * Shoots gun once *


by IIMINUTEMENII June 4, 2019

27πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Hosea is very cute, he is very quiet and thoughtful and thinks about things many times before he does them. He likes to think of things thoroughly. He’s organized and smart, he’s kind and considerate. He’s mature and responsible. He’s dependable and honest. He’s the kind of guy you want to have on your team.


by Palmtree beach πŸ– April 13, 2019

35πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A sweet, smart, considerate, beautiful person. Someone who makes people laugh. Smile is adorable. When she smiles it makes you smile. Makes people feel comfortable. A very enjoyable person. Has beautiful long eye lashes and gorgeous brown skin. Intriguing brown eyes. Very clean. She loves shoes. Favorite color is pink. She doesn't like t.v. Thinks about others and speaks intelligently and sweetly. The best you'll ever have. Someone who is very smart and good at math. Lovable, and hard to forget or let go.

Person 1: I love being around Hosea, she's so sweet.

by Ahgufghh December 17, 2013

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


In Hosea, God wanted Israel to understand the extent of their sins and how Gods judgement sadly let to exile

even if your not willing to read Hosea, its about Gods love for a sinning world

by Happy Christian April 12, 2023


the guy that i love w/ all my heart and never want to hurt in my life!!the one that is made for me

Sarah loves Hosea w/ all her heart

by Sarah January 18, 2004

27πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


1) a young man looking for love in all the wrong places and doesnt know it.

2) a person who represents themselves as a smoker/tagger/lover/car thief

3) the local idiot

wow blood, wow
yer such a supid "hosea"

stop smoking fool! yer just like "hosea"

ahahah yer acting like "hosea"

by hosea so aka HOE SAY AHH August 25, 2005

16πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž