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hot girl walk

Made popular on TikTok with the cherry on top being a great Spotify playlist, it's a 4 mile walk to achieve your fitness and mental health goals by thinking about only three things: things you are grateful for, your goals and how you are going to achieve them, and how hot you are.

Turn on a good playlist and go on a hot girl walk.

by idonotknowwhyiamdoingthis March 6, 2021

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hot girl walk

What tiktokers call going outside.

"The weather's so nice, I think I'll go for a stroll."

"Ew Mom what's a stroll?"

"You know, when you just walk around and think..."

"Mom! Don't be a boomer that's called a hot girl walk."

"You were a mistake."

by Dan H1 June 29, 2023

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hot girl walk

a single girl walking, usually with a Starbucks drink in hand, but water will do.

I went for a hot girl walk in the trails near my place

by marshmello_waffles June 29, 2023

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Hot Girl Walk

When you step out to your car at work and smoke weed while doing hair flips and strutting past all your coworkers who have no idea you’re about to come back blitzed.

β€œI’m going on a hot girl walk, I’ll be back!”

by Mwhoreton May 12, 2023

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HGW (Hot Girl Walk)

Used to describe a walk that makes you feel exceptionally good about yourself. It’s your world, and we are just living in it. Invented by Australian Radio and Podcast Host Mitch Churi.

I’m off for my daily HGW (hot girl walk) and I feel amazing!

by August 13, 2023

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