Source Code

Hot Meal

When one person places cling film over their mouth, whilst the other shits, ejaculates and pisses in the cling film. The guy then shoves his erect penis through the film, giving the reciever a "hot meal"

Dave: I gave Jess a hot meal last night

Andy: Delicious

by Matthew Langton September 23, 2007

57👍 51👎

Hot Meal

When a guy cums on the mouth or the chin of a girl

Johnny: "Yeah after I was finished I gave her a nice hot meal on her chin

by scareyfaces July 27, 2008

16👍 17👎

Hot Meal

The fresh cat poo that is quickly eaten out of the litter box by the family dog.

There's no poop in the box -- Fido must have had a hot meal!

by Mileswithers September 3, 2008

7👍 25👎

hot meal

when a fire crotch offers their genitals to someone.

Me: Hey Cass you wanna hot meal?
Cass: yes please :

by gmoney!!!! February 16, 2010

9👍 14👎