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Hotness Scale

A measuring tool that many guys use to quantitatively compare the hotness of girls on a 10 point scale. While girls may do this to, men are notorious for having consistent and somewhat harsh scales. The scale is a harsh scale, since there is no real thing as a perfect 10, and fairly attractive girls are given scores that are what they may seemingly deserve. For example, Kirsten Dunst would probably only recieve a 6.5 or 7. This is a fair rating. The minimum rating that most men would consider fucking is a 4.


A: Dude I would totally bone that chick, she's a 6.5.
B: Are you blind? She is a 4, far below fucking standards on the hotness scale.

by Larry Finster December 28, 2010

119πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Hotness Scale

An elaborate way to rate girls that incorporates a variety of aspects included in a woman's attractiveness. The scale is comprised of 3 numbers.

1. The female's hotness number out of 10. (5 is average and should represent the greater majority of women.)
2. Either a 1 or a 0. 1 for doable. 0 for not doable.
3. This number is only given if there was a 0 for the second criterion. This number is the blood alcohol content required to bump the lady up to a 1 on number two.

(Female passes by....)

"I'd give her a 4.6 over 0 over .09 on the hotness scale."
"Dude, really? For me, she's a 5.2 over 1."
"Nah, I'd have to be pretty bombed to mess with that."

by Tahm May 18, 2008

51πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

Hot Scale

A scale from 1-10 used to rank the hotness of girls.

Mike: How hot do you think that girl is on a hot scale?
George: Probably a 6.

by chikmanget August 9, 2012

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Crazy-Hot Scale

The Crazy/Hot Scale was made popular by How I Met Your Mothers' Barney Stinson. For those of you not familiar with the show, it is a diagram for relating the craziness, c, of a given girl, to her hotness h. Ratings are based off the standard 1-10 scale (10 being the hottest/craziest and 1 being the least attractive/most sane). For example, one of the most recent girls I hooked up with would be about a (5,8) - so 5/10 crazy, 8/10 hot.

The Line of Equality

As Barney explains, "a girl is allowed to be crazy, as long as she is equally hot". Let's make h a function of c. So, as c increases, h(c) must also increase at an equal or greater rate. I will call this line, the line of equality.

h(c) = c, c = craziness of a given girl

For a girl to be considered hook-up material, her (c,h(c)) must lie above the line, and thus, h(c) β‰₯ c.

To illustrate, a girl who is a 7 on the crazy scale must be at least a 7 on the hotness scale as well. If she's a (7,8) - great! You're getting more bang for your buck (per se). However, if she's a (7,6) - get out of there. Quick.

Bill: Hey I saw you talking to Beth at the bar last night. Did you slam that?
Jeff: No way - After she started talking about her hair collection I realized she was a 10/9 on the Crazy-Hot Scale and blew.
Bill: Damn! It is hard to lose a 9 like that!

by babymamadrama June 13, 2014

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Hotness Scale 2.0

An elaborate way to rank girls which any passerby will not be able to decipher quickly enough to judge you for objectifying women. A female's rank is determing by three numbers, explained as follows:

(a number one through ten for hotness) / (a 1 or a 0 - 1 for bangable, 0 for not) / (if a 0 above, this number is the BAC that would be required to bump her up to a 1)

"I'd give her a 4.6 over 0 over .13 on the hotness scale 2.0."
"Seriously? I'd give her a 5 over 1."
"Fuck, man, I wouldn't mess with that unless I was bombed."

by Tahm May 17, 2008

17πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Hotness Scale 2.0

An elaborate way to rank girls in which any passerby will not be able to decipher quickly enough to judge you for objectifying women. A female's rank is determing by three numbers, explained as follows:

(a number one through ten for hotness) / (a 1 or a 0 - 1 for bangable, 0 for not) / (if a 0 above, this number is the BAC that would be required to bump her up to a 1)

"I'd give her a 4.6 over 0 over .13 on the hotness scale 2.0."
"Seriously? I'd give her a 5 over 1."
"Fuck, man, I wouldn't mess with that unless I was bombed."

by Tahm May 17, 2008

1πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Hot-Crazy Scale

The problem is certain women’s increase in physical attractiveness has been disproportional to their increase in psychosis. Luckily for us, a chart exists where we can see just how out of balance the ratio between your hotness and craziness has become - knowledge that can prove to be invaluable over the course of your daily life.

The scale is a scale is with the vertical axis labeled "HOT" and the horizontal axis labeled "CRAZY."

A girl is allowed to be crazy, as long as she is equally hot.

If shes crazy she has to be hot, if shes really crazy she has to be really hot.

As long as a girl is above the β€œVickie Mendoza Diagonal” she is approved for dating. Vickie Mendoza, a girl Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother dated, she played jump rope with that line. This diagonal is a reference to the Mendoza Line in Baseball.

If a female becomes to crazy without becoming hotter, she may drift extremely close to the Shelly Galezby Zone.

Barney: A girl is allowed to be crazy as long as she is equally hot. Thus, if she's *this* crazy, she has to be *this* hot. You want the girl to be above this line on the Hot-Crazy Scale. Also known as the 'Vickie Mendoza Diagonal'. This girl I dated. She played jump rope with that line. She'd shave her head, then lose 10 pounds. She'd stab me with a fork, then get a boob job.
Barney: I should give her a call

Devin: So what's up with you and Becca?
Adam: Well, I've been trying to hit it but she keeps drifting across the Mendoza Diagonal. She is getting extremely close to the Shelly Galezby Zone on the Hot-Crazy Scale.

by ysg101 December 31, 2009

205πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž