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Hum Hum

What someone says as a response to something casual or unimportant. Often used as a conversation closer.

Also used when trying to sound cute or unique.

Mary: I'm going to eat dinner.
Sam: Have fun.
Mary: XD
Sam: Hum Hum.

Karly: I'm almost done with my homework!
Todd: I'm not. Hum hum.

by FluffyCat September 10, 2010

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Hum Hum

A Polanisian fruit found on the elusive Gum Gum tree

Dumb dumb give me hum hum.

by Bebooii December 31, 2019

hum hum

Phrase used as synonim to thinking about the problem which had apperaed or as a respons for moronic question.

A: Do you want to make some quests or stop playing?
B: hum hum

A: Only pr0 play Tibia
B: hum hum

by Bogumil May 10, 2006

12πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


used to describe a person with an afro. usually VERY annoying and has SWAG. sings off tune.

Hum-Hum: la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaa im soooooooooooooooo coooooooooooooolllllllll

by PIGGYWISDOM February 27, 2013

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hum diggy hum hum

Expression used to illustrate being supremely gay by attempting to use "hip hop" jargon to solicit sex.

"While slamming a chair into the ground"
Hum diggy hum hum come here Br**tje.

by Daabdaniels love August 21, 2009

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hum mana hum mana

Hot guy, leaves ya speechless

Hum mana hum mana that guy leaves me breathless.

by Jinglecat April 16, 2017

Hum hum hums

When she promised you yum yum yums but ends up using her hands so it’s a hum hum hums. Maybe you should’ve bought given her a massage first or started the yum yum yums. Either way those hum hum hums don’t hit the same as the yum yum yums.

Bro my girl promised me yum yum yums but when I came home late she pulled out the hum hum hums :(

by Rooooodyyy123 February 13, 2021