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human fly

A guy or girl who is obsessed with you and won't leave you alone even after you've rejected them multiple times. In public, they stand uncomfortably close to you and attempt to engage you in conversation making you feel like you're being surrounded by an annoying fly that won't go away. Dropping hints such as scooting away or excusing yourself do not work. They only make the human fly work ten times harder.

Jack wouldn't stop pestering Tina at the party. He kept hovering around her like a human fly.

by humanflymagnet February 9, 2010

human fly trap

When you nut on your pillow or sheets then proceed to lay in it.

After the rim job I turned the bed into a human fly trap

by FlyTrapGod November 2, 2019

human venus fly trap

When you fuckin a girl and when you almost finish she clinches her pussy, trapping you and forcing you to be her baby daddy.

Aye man were you with Keisha last night?
-Yeah man she gave me that human Venus fly trap

I'm so sorry bro...

by Kumpump April 6, 2016

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human fly disease

The condition that a human fly suffers from.

Damn, you'd think she'd leave me alone after I rejected her 10 years ago.

Maybe she has human fly disease?

by humanflymagnet February 9, 2010