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Human Trash


I am human trash, I suck and am a terrible human being.

by Idon'trockIroll...mybelly September 28, 2016

55👍 6👎

Human Trash


Aftter leeching off Etika's death for views, ImJayStation was universally considered human trash.

by Yoda8778 June 28, 2019

21👍 3👎

Human Trash

A bunch of meat that talks and walks.

Destroy immediately if seen.

by Neqoxec September 4, 2003

123👍 36👎

Human Trash

YulkyTulky and her alt accounts.

YulkyTulky and their alts are human trash

by Origin_meme_man October 18, 2020

3👍 1👎

Human trash

This thing called Chris

Chris is 100% Human Trash

by Idekman_ January 18, 2018

13👍 5👎

Human trash

Everyone that gangstalks ppl with the pigs and us government who are also trash. There all trash. America is trash. Especially Colorado Springs and Denver. F*** that trash. Weirdo pu**y loser. Stomp the s*** out and leave them on the street like s***.

Everyone is gangstalking me with the pigs. There all human trash.

by TI Satan November 23, 2022

Human trash

A dirty, filthy creature known as Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler is human trash

by QueenieAUbaek February 1, 2023

2👍 1👎