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when someone gets excited about something

Damn..you hype calm down homey.

by tmacafella July 17, 2003

3140๐Ÿ‘ 823๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fad. A clever marketing strategy which a product is advertized as the thing everyone must have, to the point where people begin to feel they need to consume it.

Millions of suckers fell for the hype and bought a Playstation 2

by AYB February 19, 2003

2356๐Ÿ‘ 1077๐Ÿ‘Ž


a drug user who's method of administration is with a hypodermic needle, or syringe.

"is she a junkie?"

"yeah man...total hype. she's got hep c and aids from sharing needles"

by ktaln January 30, 2009

421๐Ÿ‘ 291๐Ÿ‘Ž


fun, rowdy, or wild

That party was hype!!

by Lil Mama January 25, 2004

1172๐Ÿ‘ 874๐Ÿ‘Ž


To get extremely excited over something that's not that exciting ..

Jimmy- " OMG I got the job at mcdonalds yayayayayayaa!!!!!!!!! "
Amy- " hype.. "

by arsp41326 July 12, 2011

502๐Ÿ‘ 363๐Ÿ‘Ž


Wild and flashy valuing style over substance with a breakneck pace.
Often makes little sense upon analysis, instead taking refuge in audacity and emotions.
Popularized, but not invented, by Woolie of the Two Best Friends video group.

The hype skyrocketed when that giant robot spin kicked the volcano.

by Dozer Red March 6, 2014

146๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Very excited for something. This connotation requires that the word hype be followed by the word "for". Using "all" before the word hype accentuates the amount of excitement.

2. Very angry or upset at something. This connotation requires that the word hype be followed by the word "at." If neither "at" or "for" is used, the second definition is implied. Again, using "all" before the word hype accentuates the amount of anger.

1. "My dog Cookie was all hype for his walk because he had to pee."

2. "I was all hype.", or "I was all hype at my girlfriend for cheating on me."

by Brian and Tom January 11, 2006

476๐Ÿ‘ 431๐Ÿ‘Ž