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I feel like shit

Nothing actually happened you are just reflecting on your character your past and realize you've done shitty thing or shitty things have happened to you, which makes you feel empty and leaves you thinking what if

I dont know what to say when someone says "how are you?" Bc i dont wanna say i feel like shit and be asked why bc i dont have an actual reason i just do.

by Your lord and savior February 27, 2020

116👍 7👎

I feel like shit

Feeling really ill, maybe you have a hangover.

"I shouldn't of had that much wine yesterday, I feel like shit."

by Damnitscam March 3, 2017

57👍 13👎

i feel like shit

The feeling you have after (whether it's right then or soon after) you find out that you are the cause of someone either feeling sad, mad, or has been screwed over by your actions.

Man, i feel like shit after i found out my girl didn't want me to do what i did.

by Vilma's Mikey May 20, 2008

130👍 33👎