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identity crisis

when someone can't decide how to define themselves.

that kid wearing skinny jeans, ferrari shoes, and an anime watch listening to jay-z is having an identity crisis

by Kenny-D May 23, 2010

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identity crisis

1. A psychological condition in which one is attempting to unify a subjective sense of self.
2. A sexual orientation conflict within one's self that has not been resolved.
3. A stage of psycho-neurological development, as in adolescence, where hormonal imbalances influence sociological and sexual choices (phase).

I really don't know if Kodie is gay, metro sexual, or just going through an identity crisis.

by Quido1 March 10, 2008

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Identity Crisis

When a human,

(socially-constructed to think of themselves as a separate individual from the rest of Life on Earth, and Reality),

questions their relation/position to other Humans, the rest of Life on Earth, and the Reality they perceive.

I used to think of myself as an individual, then had an identity crisis, and realised I am part of collectives... Many collectives... infinite collectives...!? Collectives across time...!?
Who am I!?

Here and Now, We are one... Hari Ohm.

by ThePresentIsNow April 18, 2021

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skank identity crisis

The crisis every skank eventually goes through in their life. Usually happens between the ages of 15 and 20. Said skank will abruptly up and leave their hometown to live with a distant relative (i.e. twice-removed aunt, sister's ex-boyfriend, etc) and "find themselves". The location is usually an obscure small town in a southern state, such as Oklahoma, Kansas, or Georgia. Usually happens following some semi-dramatic event which a normal person would deal with and move on. Skanks, however, can not just "deal" with situations, and must "escape" to cause even more drama. These crises are usually short-lived, and the skank will almost ALWAYS return within a few weeks.

typical skank identity crisis

"I'm so sick of this drama and bullshit! I'm moving in with my stepdad's sister in Oklahoma to figure some shit out."

by LaLa* April 16, 2010

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Age Identity Crisis

1) A person who often forgets how old they are, literally

2)Someone who acts or dresses much younger or older than they are

A.I.C. for short. Developed by a girl/woman who married a man 30 years older than her and often found herself not knowing if she should act 20 or 50. She happened to suffer from both forms of A.I.C and consistently forgot her actual age, even when asked by the nurse at Red Cross.

Person 1 "How old are you?"
Person with Age Identity Crisis. "uuuuhhh....????"

Did you see that 50 year old guy with an Ed Hardy T-shirt? He must suffer form A.I.C.

by milf86 April 20, 2010

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Casual Identity crisis

The act of casually having an identity crisis

Person 1: y'all ever have a casual Identity crisis?
Person 2: yeah

by CasualIdentityCrisisMan August 6, 2020

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Wentzian Sexual Identity Crisis

The confusion of a straight person's sexual preference that is brought forth by an incredibly attractive person of the same sex.

Boy 1: Dude, he is so hot.
Boy 2: .....you have a girlfriend.
Boy 1: I know but just look at him!
Boy 2: *rolls eyes* Wentzian Sexual Identity Crisis?
Boy 1: Seems like it.

by Izbit July 5, 2011

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