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(n.) the language used by people who cannot type quickly and efficiently (or properly, for that matter) and therefore resort to making fools out of themselves.

iLuVsOcCuR: omg i wuz lyke tlkn 2 chris an he wuz lyk omg ur so hott
pRePgUrL: omgz u meen chris frm ur sci clas
iLuVsOcCuR: ya him hes so hott
pRePgUrL: omg ya tel me wat ahppnd tehn
iLuVsOcCuR: hes lyk do u wnat 2 go out w/ me
iLuVsOcCuR: i lyk dyd
iLuVsOcCuR: omgomgogmogm i kno rite
pRePgUrL: ogmogmogmoomg tahts amazng waht did u say
iLuVsOcCuR: ogmz i sed yes of cors!
pRePgUrL: lol lol lolzzz

Me: Wow. Just...wow...hence the term idiotspeak...

by Someone who can actually type May 6, 2006

60👍 13👎


That annoying language used by people who cannot type properly.

lykomgwee: lyk ur sooo kewl... i dno wut i wld do w/o u!
IntelligentEnglishSpeaker: ::blink:: Why do I attract blithering idiots?

by taintedmemoriesx July 13, 2004

32👍 10👎


The language of idiots throughout the globe.

Idiot: Whad he sey?
G: Let me translate that into idiotspeak for you: Doy, doy, doy, duh... uhh... whatever!

by theauthormarkwilkins February 16, 2017

18👍 6👎


What he said.

Possibly derived from "newspeak", a fictional (thank God) language of George Orwell's 1984. Newspeak specializes in the deletion of "unnecessary" words, making it a language for idiots.

Shut your idiotspeak and talk in English.

by miso December 5, 2003

34👍 20👎


A sorry excuse for speech cultivated by teenagers, haxors, and rap/hip-hop artists. Also known as Ebonics or Modern Slang.

Idiotspeak consists of disgusting phrases/words such as:
holidae inn
right thurr (?)
anything with -izzle on the end
gimme what you got for a porkchop
any of Jay-Z's or Ja Rule's recent travesties against music
fin to
we be
I is
you is

by Shawn B. November 29, 2003

25👍 27👎