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A friend who's shit at keeping in touch - they appear and disappear at will/random.

- So have you seen Alan recently?
- No, no one has.
- He some kind of illusionist or something?
- Guess so.

by selmabouvier December 19, 2003

42👍 21👎


Another class of magic-wielder who uses his gift to create illusions of great realisticity. Using such illusions, he can create a diversion, scare off attackers or to create a shadow being, which is not totally an illusion, but is a being made of shadow energy that is similar to a ghost.

Illusionist Rhonaii disappeared, but his illusions did not.

by Detranova August 4, 2003

20👍 11👎


A Magician, One who tricks others for amusement or fame

Jesus was the greatest Illusionist of All-Time, He convinced millions of people that he was a god, by pulling a rabbit out of his hat.

by BATEMAN_000 December 30, 2008

11👍 16👎

Work Illusionist

Someone who give the illusion of doing work, but in reality does nothing. This trick can be preformed by; by attending meeting, especially meetings in other office buildings; volunteering for non-work activity such as organising work social events.

The work illusionist can fill this void by wandering around, going to movies or strip clubs.

Boss Hay where's insert slacker name , he said he was in a meeting with you ?

Office Worker Hang on, he said he was in a meeting with you.

Boss Look like we a have a work illusionist on the pay role

by 58008 January 30, 2010

14👍 1👎

gender illusionists

Cross-dressers that are not trans gender and any of that other stuff, and just like acting as a different person be it a different gender or not.

Don is one of those gender illusionists he isn't like the other drag queens on tv.

by PPPussy March 1, 2016

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female illusionist

A Drag Queen who does performances in surreal settings or backgrounds ..... She or it apply female attributes to inanimate objects in a mystical or spooky setting.

It is a pathetic Falllacy ..... Many Drag Queens do not know the difference between a Drag Queen and a Female illusionist ........ A Female Illusionist applys Female attributes to inanimate objects

by Slavic Illusionist November 4, 2013

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illusionist’s game

An approach where an individual makes up and or exaggerates stories to try to conceal what really happened at specific events and or to try to glorify themselves, in order to portray the situation in a way that works in their favor. People often do this to improve their reputation, attack their enemies, and push people to support their goals. This approach is often unethical as it falsely portrays what happened at certain events and who you really are. It is also quite risky to the individual using this approach, because if people find out what really happened, they will stop believing the stories told by the individual, which reduces their credibility and trustworthiness.

Ventis: I heard that Donny supposed got attacked by five guys, but defeated them all without suffering a scratch.
Henry: Yeah right. A guy with no self defense training and a boat load of arrogance at all defeated five guys without suffering any injuries. He is lying through his teeth.

Emma: Based on what I know about him there is no way in ninety years he could pull that off. He is playing an illusionist’s game, in order to improve his reputation.

Henry: I agree with you there.
Ventis: I agree with both of you. He can't be trusted to tell the truth about what really happened.

by Vanguard 1998 February 25, 2021