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Imaginary Numbers

The concept that exists just to make people in Algebra 2 die of confusion.

"How does this pointless stuff that I'm not even going to use when I'm older even make sense? I just don't see how there can be Imaginary Numbers!"

(dies in class)

by NYC213 August 25, 2015

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Imaginary Numbers

A fake number that does not exist. It’s only purpose is to ruin lives. I hate math.

Kayla said imaginary numbers make her happy, and I was just happy to hear that she was happy. She’s a beautiful girl who loves coffee.

by ajc3117 September 21, 2018

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

imaginary number

>The square root of a negative number.
>A number which you can think of which doesn't actually exist.

>(-1)^0.5 or the sqaure root of -1
= -1i.
>Hey, I just thought of a number that doesn't exsist.

by Adrian Roworth October 8, 2004

39πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

imaginary number

A number which all mathematicians can agree does not exist in math, but one which we put into equations just for the sake of argument and because it is so much fun.

"The solution to this equation is an imaginary number."
"So there is no solution?"
"Well, no, but I found it anyway."

by Sporess January 29, 2012

17πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

imaginary number

An imaginary number is used in pointless math equations that do nothing but find another number. They are the reason for bad grades in math classes. Imaginary numbers have no real significant value except that you get a grade for something that is fake. Imaginary numbers come in letter form just to piss everyone off. They are the drunk girl at the party in the number world.

Aaron: I love imaginary numbers because I'm delusional.
Justin: Shut the fuck up. they are fake and you are high!!!

by J_Ran the King May 22, 2009

23πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

imaginary number

A number that can be written in the form a+bi, where a is zero and i is the square root of negative one

Examples: 3i, -2.8i, 5000i, etc.

by A equals A April 12, 2005

19πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

imaginary number system

The mathematical symbol i is the square root of negative one.

i is not the only imaginary number. It is but the first number in a yet unsubscribed numerical system. It is metaphorically equivalent to the place of the number 0.

The number sequencing (such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ) of the imaginary system consists of all of all prime roots of any whole prime negative number. Unlike our Arabic number system, which has ten digits, the imaginary number scale is infinitely unique and never repeats itself. It instead overlaps.

The imaginary number system is not linear. The numbers do not stand next to each other in a line, but ripple outwards from the negative prime in a quantum manner. As there are infinite number of whole prime roots of each prime negative number, the main question in developing this theory is how to determine an ordered sequence of usable numbers.

While the use for the imaginary number system has yet to be discovered, it may help to describe the imbalance of energy which causes there to be a difference in the amount of matter and antimatter in the universe. As such that no 'real' equation has been discovered that can describe anti-matter, it may be that a yet unexplored system of mathematics is key to understanding it.

The square root of negative one is i
Any other root of negative one is undefined.

The next number examined would be the square root of negative two. From there outward, expanding infinitely, would be all prime roots of negative two.

Then to negative three, and then five. Seven follows, and eleven and thirteen. Et cetera, Ad nausium.

The points interest in the imaginary number system would be the intersection of similar prime roots of separate negative numbers.

No other symbols for the imaginary numbers have been created for this system.

by ego.summopere July 29, 2010

12πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž