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incognito mode

A mode in Google's new Chrome browser that does not record history, search entries or cookies to the user's computer. Downloaded files are still saved as normal.

"Dude, how do I discretely look at porn in Google Chrome?"
"Incognito mode man. Ctrl+Shift+N."

by Professor R August 5, 2009

217๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

incognito mode

A feature in Google Chrome that allows you to privately browse the Internet. It does not record the websites you've visited, cookies, etc, making it good for watching porn.

Clay: "Joe has been away for half an hour now."
Ivan: "Oh, he's using incognito mode so he can jack off."

by Overstored Milk January 20, 2016

80๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

incognito mode

A feature of the Google Chrome browser that opens a browsing window that doesn't save history, cookies, or any manner of browsing data. AKA 'porn mode' Named so because most people use it to look up porn and jack off without any one knowing. Incognito mode is a very "handy" tool, if you know what I mean.

John uses incognito mode so that his girlfriend will never know he watches gay porn.

by SteamyBunzA7X December 22, 2013

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incognito mode

A place where people go to watch porn.

We went incognito mode for no reason.

by PersonThatShoots February 8, 2018

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

incognito mode

a gift from google that semi makes up for no flash player

Joshlin: I was on incognito mode allllll NIGHT

freind: I see you I see you

by The MAD daddy February 18, 2021

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Incognito Mode

What you open up in Google Chrome before watching porn.

Jerry didn't want porn on his search history so he opened up Incognito mode in Google Chrome.

by Please excuse me July 13, 2017

33๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Incognito Mode

it is made for horny 12 yr old that go on pornhub 24/7 and beat the shit out of their meat

ima go Incognito Mode so my parents wont find out

by your dad getting milk yeet October 29, 2019

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