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A misspelling of the word INTELLIGENT.

Inteligent eh? You're pretty smart.

by emocrycry December 11, 2007

55👍 24👎


often a word that people mispell when trying to spell 'intelligence'

wow did he really not comprehend that? He must have the inteligence of a michaelbradd.

by socanadian May 8, 2009

16👍 2👎

lactose inteligent

When you know you can't handle milk, but you drink it anyway

-Huge fart-
Omg dude whyyy
I'm lactose inteligent

by koalaklamidia May 10, 2019

why you inteligent

because filipe loves her and he is thanos

why you inteligent and pretty and i love you

by np one April 30, 2019