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Investment banker

Someone you run away from at the first sight.

Tom: Hey there's an investment banker coming down the street. Bob: Lets cross the street!

by stainless67 February 23, 2022

10👍 3👎

Investment Banker

Total baller. Probably graduated ivy league, makes six figures straight out of college and balls hard in NYC.

Often us bankers dislike poor people and other unprestigious things like equities in dallas

Yo dude, we can't go in that bar it's full of investment bankers and we only make $140k a year, dude we will get put to shame.

by The_Rainmaker January 10, 2010

175👍 210👎

Investment Banker

Rhyming slang for wanker.

Hey, how come bob didn't show up at the party Saturday?

I don't know, I heard he got a job as an investment banker.

by Mpc1209 September 17, 2013

18👍 29👎